On June 2-3, world-renowned experts will take us to the forefront of cognitive innovation. Delve into the rapidly evolving landscapes of neuromodulation, brain-computer interfaces (BCIs), and the interaction of artificial and biological intelligence. Immerse yourself in cutting-edge technologies that are transforming lives — enabling people to walk again, talk again, see again, and hear again. Not only are these scientific breakthroughs restoring function, they are offering transformative potential for mental health and human performance. Join us to see how these discoveries are decoding the brain and mind and redefining our relationship with technology for decades to come.
BrainMind Special Forum 2024 Highlights
A taste of the forum and samples of the talks:
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Speakers & Agenda
Sunday, June 2nd, 2024
8:00 AM Breakfast, Experiential NeuroLab Opens
9:00 AM Welcome
9:10 AM Plenary Session
Ed Boyden, MIT
Tools for Repairing and Simulating the Brain
Maryam Shanechi, USC
AI-based Neurotechnology
Heather Berlin, Mount Sinai
What Does It Mean To Be Human in the Age of AI?
Helen Mayberg, Mount Sinai
What is Well?
10:25 AM Break
11:00 AM Plenary Session Continues
David Chalmers, NYU
Extending Consciousness Beyond the Brain
Paul Sajda, Columbia University
Feeling better with *NSYNC"
Amy Baxter, Pain Care Labs
Mechanical Neuromodulation: Trust The Force
Michael McCullough, BrainMind
BrainMind Today and Beyond
Immersive Experiences: Tai Chi and Qigong
Cari Shurman, Tai Chi for Kids
William Spear, Fortunate Blessings Foundation
12:30 PM Lunch with Speakers
1:40 PM Entrepreneur Spotlight
Connor Glass, Phantom Neuro
Meredith Perry, Elemind Technologies, Inc.
Jay Sanguinetti, Sanmai Technologies
Alice Albrecht, re:collect
John Donoghue, Institute for NeuroElectronic Medicine
Don Vaughn, Ampa
3:00 PM Breakout Discussions (concurrent)
The BRAIN Initiative: Laying the Foundation for Future Cures
John Ngai, PhD (NIH BRAIN Initiative)Novel Treatments for Epilepsy and Chronic Pain
Sridevi V. Sarma, PhD (Johns Hopkins University)LLMs for Mental Healthcare: Risks and Opportunities
Nina Vasan, PhD (Stanford)
Noninvasive Neurotech & The Future of Electric Medicine
Meredith Perry (Elemind)Augmenting Human Intelligence: Building a Better Bridge Between Humans and Machines
Alice Albrecht, PhD (re:collect)Noninvasive Deep Neuromodulation for Treatment
Jay Sanguinetti, PhD (Sanmai Technologies)The Next Evolution of Human Capability: Merging Humans and Robots
Connor Glass, MD (Phantom Neuro)
4:00 PM Break
4:30 PM Musical Experience
4:50 PM Day 1 Summary
5:00 PM Reception
6:00 PM A Feast of Ideas: Dine with BrainMind Experts
Indre Viskontas, PhD, MM
Reverberation: Do Everything Better With Music
Bianca Jones Marlin, PhD
Sensing the Past: How Neurons Send Memory Through Space and TimeAndré Fenton, PhD
Neural Basis of Memory: Learning to LearnNicco Reggente, PhD
Democratizing Non-Ordinary States of ConsciousnessJamie Heywood
Big Data, Longer Lives
Kana Enomoto
Scaling Brain and Mental Health Innovations
Srini Pillay, MD
The Role of Artistic Experiences in Healthy LongevityUma Naidoo, MD
Nutritional, Lifestyle & Metabolic PsychiatryAmy Kruse, PhD
Investing with the Brain in Mind?Jonathan Schooler, PhD
Fostering Openness with Art and Curiosity
Monday, June 3rd, 2024
8:00 AM Breakfast & Registration, Experiential NeuroLab Opens
9:00 AM Welcome and Recap
9:10 AM Plenary Session
Polina Anikeeva, MIT
The Brain-Body Interface
Doris Tsao, UC Berkeley
How the Brain Generates Our Consciousness of the World
Leigh Hochberg, Brown University
BrainGate: Implantable BCIs for the Restoration of Communication and Mobility
Thomas Oxley, Synchron
Implantable Neurotechnology: A revolution in Medicine Repeating Itself
10:20 AM Break
10:55 AM Plenary Session Continues
Nolan Williams, Stanford
Need for Speed: How to Match Acuity of Illness to Speed of Effect for Brain Therapeutics
Karen Rommelfanger, Ningen Neuroethics Co-Lab, Institute of Neuroethics Think and Do Tank
Designing Ethical Neurofutures
Ana Maiques, Neuroelectrics
Unlocking the Future of Psychiatry: How Can Neurotwins Transform Personalized Neuromodulation Therapies?
Kafui Dzirasa, Duke University
Psychiatric Neuroengineering, Cell Type Specific Neuromodulation
Elena Koustova, NIH/NIDA
Innovating on Funding for Innovation
Tai Chi and Qigong Sessions
William Spear, Fortunate Blessings Foundation
Cari Shurman, Tai Chi for Kids
12:30 PM Lunch with Speakers
1:45 PM Immersive Experiences
Ken McCaw, Musician
Jim Kwik, Kwik Brain Universe
Brain Optimization, Mental Performance, Power of Mind
2:15 PM Breakout Discussions (concurrent)
The First Brain Data Law Just Passed. What Do You Need to Know – and What’s Next?
Rafael Yuste, MD, PhD (Columbia University, Neurorights Foundation); Karen Rommelfanger, PhD (Institute of Neuroethics Think and Do Tank, Ningen Neuroethics Co-Lab); Jamie Daves, MBA (Neurorights Foundation)A New Bridge to Transform Neuroelectronic Medicine
John Donoghue, PhD, Institute for NeuroElectronic MedicineImmunotherapy in Neuro-Oncology
Michael Lim, MD (Stanford)Non-invasive Neurotech for Brain Inflammation and Cancer
Blake Gurfein, PhD (Humanity Neurotech)EEG for Everyone
Andre Fenton, PhD (NYU)Beyond “Mindfulness” Toward a Science of Advanced Meditation
Matthew Sacchet, PhD (Harvard Medical School, MGH)Towards Engineering Intelligent Motile Organoids with a Nervous System
Haleh Fotowat, PhD (Wyss Institute)
3:25 PM Break
3:55 PM Scientific Summary with Polina Anikeeva
4:00 PM Fireside Chat
5:00 PM Closing Reception
6:00 PM Close

Featured entrepreneurs will present groundbreaking ideas and pose impact-related questions to participants. Spotlight entrepreneurs will also host breakout discussion tables. Our Experiential Neurolab will also feature live demos from neurotech entrepreneurs in the BrainMind Ecosystem. Special forum spotlight entrepreneurs:
Connor Glass, Phantom Neuro
Meredith Perry, Elemind Technologies, Inc.
Jay Sanguinetti, Sanmai Technologies
Special breakout discussions allow attendees to go deeper on specific topics. Roundtables with 8-12 participants convene around preselected BrainMind topics with brilliant subject matter experts who are leaders in their respective fields. The breakouts are designed to encourage conversation and collaboration with presenters and other great minds.
Breakout discussion topics this year’s forum include:
John Ngai, PhD (NIH BRAIN Initiative)
The BRAIN Initiative: Laying the Foundation for Future Cures
Join a key discussion with John Ngai, Director of the US BRAIN Initiative, as he outlines the future of this transformative program. With foundational resources like brain atlases and disease models in motion, we are at a critical juncture in neuromodulation and BCI. Discover the potential of increased access to FDA-approved devices, AI advancements, and new biomarkers in revolutionizing neuropsychiatric therapeutics. The BrainMind ecosystem has a role to play in scaling these innovations—don’t miss this opportunity to shape the future of neuroscience.
Sridevi V. Sarma, PhD (Johns Hopkins University)
Novel Treatments for Epilepsy and Chronic Pain
NeuroTech Harbor (NTH) is an NIH-funded BluePrint Hub dedicated to supporting innovative devices and solutions for treating diseases of the central nervous system. In this talk, I will introduce NTH and its partner, the Center for Innovative NeuroTech Advancement (CINTA), highlighting our collaborative mission. I will showcase eleven projects currently supported by these hubs and outline our strategy to impact over 75 teams with more than $120 million in funding over the next five years.
Nina Vasan, PhD (Stanford)
LLMs for Mental Healthcare: Risks and Opportunities
Examining the impact of AI on mental health requires an understanding of the mixed effects of social media, which has both enhanced connectivity and contributed to risks like anxiety and depression. Collecting stories from users who have interacted with AI in therapeutic settings and daily life reveals the nuanced effects of these technologies on mental well-being. Understanding these personal experiences is essential for guiding the ethical development and implementation of AI technologies in mental health contexts.
Note: All Spotlight Entrepreneurs will also lead Breakout Discussion Tables on Sunday
Noninvasive Neurotech & The Future of Electric Medicine
Meredith Perry, Elemind
Augmenting Human Intelligence: Building a Better Bridge Between Humans and Machines
Alice Albrecht, PhD, re:collect
Noninvasive Deep Neuromodulation for Treatment
Jay Sanguinetti, PhD, Sanmai Technologies
The Next Evolution of Human Capability: Merging Humans and Robots
Connor Glass, MD, Phantom Neuro
A New Bridge to Transform Neuroelectronic Medicine
John Donoghue, PhD, Institute for NeuroElectronic Medicine
Rafael Yuste, MD, PhD (Columbia University, Neurorights Foundation); Karen Rommelfanger, PhD (Institute of Neuroethics Think and Do Tank, Ningen Neuroethics Co-Lab); Jamie Daves, MBA (Neurorights Foundation)
The First Brain Data Law Just Passed. What Do You Need to Know – and What’s Next?
It’s essential that leaders in neurotechnology – companies, investors, scientists, and more – know about, and shape, public policy and industry standards. Please join Dr. Rafael Yuste along with Jamie Daves for a behind-the-scenes briefing on the latest developments in US and global regulation and industry practice. This session covers the recent precedent-setting Colorado neurotech legislation, and highlights what’s coming next in the US and around the world. Dr. Karen Rommelfanger will moderate an interactive discussion on strategies all stakeholders can use to navigate the emerging regulatory and industry environments, advance innovation, and foster public trust. Participants will be encouraged to pose questions, share experiences, and engage in debate. This session is a critical opportunity for all stakeholders to learn more, and get involved in determining what comes next.
See the recording from this session here
Michael Lim, MD (Stanford)
Immunotherapy in Neuro-Oncology
This breakout will explore the frontier of brain cancer treatment, where cutting-edge research meets clinical practice. Dr. Lim will discuss how recent innovations in immunotherapy are offering new hope, and transforming treatment approaches for brain tumors. This session will highlight the potential for these advancements to significantly improve patient outcomes and pave the way for future breakthroughs in medical care.
Blake Gurfein, PhD (Humanity Neurotech)
Non-invasive Neurotech for Brain Inflammation and Cancer
Several new neurotech modalities are showing promise for treating brain inflammation, stroke, and brain cancer. Dr. Gurfein will review scientific and commercial advances as they relate to groundbreaking new treatments in neurology, psychiatry, and oncology.
Andre Fenton, PhD (NYU)
EEG for Everyone
Neuroengineering often targets well-resourced communities, yet 1-2% of people globally suffer from epilepsy, regardless of race or socioeconomic status. Astonishingly, 80% of these individuals remain undiagnosed due to a lack of access to EEG technology and specialists in low-resource areas. By developing affordable 25-cent EEG electrodes with integrated amplifiers and utilizing cloud-based AI for interpretation, access to neurodiagnostics can be democratized. The barrier isn’t technological but commercial, requiring significant shifts in North American healthcare economics. This talk will explain how to achieve this and the challenges involved in realizing such a transformative project.
Matthew Sacchet, PhD (Harvard Medical School, MGH)
Beyond “Mindfulness” Toward a Science of Advanced Meditation
Mindfulness is increasingly recognized worldwide as a way to enhance health and wellbeing. This session will focus on advanced meditation, exploring its effects, development processes, and mastery. We'll discuss the latest research directions in advanced meditation and its potential to boost human potential in various clinical and non-clinical settings.
Haleh Fotowat, PhD (Wyss Institute)
Towards Engineering Intelligent Motile Organoids with a Nervous System
A great deal is known about biological neural networks in animal models, which have arrived at their current structure-function relationship through evolution by natural selection. Little is known about how neurons taken from such animal models will develop and function in novel embodiments. I will talk about our work on constructing a novel class of motile biological organoids that incorporate neuronal tissue. Results from this work will significantly improve our understanding of how to ‘wire up’ functional biological neural networks that can drive desired behaviors and potentially mediate learning by experience. In addition to applications in biological robotics, our work will inform future research on regenerative medicine by shedding light on how damaged neuronal pathways could be wired back to their intended targets
Feast of Ideas: Dinner with BrainMind Experts
Gather with BrainMind participants at our Neuromodulation/AI/BCI forum to sample culinary and conversational delights at the Feast of Ideas; an open format dinner with themed topic tables led by experts in the field.
Table Hosts:
Indre Viskontas, PhD, MM
Reverberation: Do Everything Better With Music
Nicco Reggente, PhD
Democratizing Non-Ordinary States of Consciouenss
Bianca Jones Marlin, PhD
Sensing the Past: How Neurons Send Memory Through Space and Time
Amy Kruse, PhD
Investing with the Brain in Mind?
Srini Pillay, MD
The Role of Artistic Experiences in Healthy Longevity
Erica Coe
Scaling Brain and Mental Health Innovations
Uma Naidoo, MD
Nutritional, Lifestyle & Metabolic Psychiatry
Jonathan Schooler, PhD
Fostering Openness with Art and Curiosity
André Fenton, PhD
Neural Basis of Memory: Learning to Learn
Jamie Heywood
Big Data, Longer Lives
David Langer + Sat Pugnin
BCI, Superintelligence & Neuroethics

BrainMind recognizes the arts as a key pathway to brain health and wellbeing, which is why we prioritize featuring outstanding artists and immersive experiences at all our gatherings.
New York City Musical Curators: Anna Gabriel and Michael Hermann, Reverberation
Reverberatation Featuring Neurosteer Tech
Michael Hermann and Anna Gabriel are cofounders of Reveberation with world renowned artist Peter Gabriel.
Reverberation operates at the convergence of music, science, technology, and medicine, wrapped in compelling entertainment and transformative tech. The studio explores music's impact on our brains and activities, creating media spanning books, TV, digital media, education, and live events. Reverberation aims to address some of the world’s most vexing problems through scientifically-rooted music and sound interventions.
Tai Chi, Qigong, and Mind Training
Cari Shurman discovered Tai Chi and Qigong while in China over 30 years ago. Seeing how the flowing movements, the focus and the visualization were used in the schools to help students stay focused and calm she decided to incorporate it into her teaching. She eventually developed a program appropriate for all ages that can be easily used in the classroom for breaks, before a test for focus, to release stress and find inner peace.
Cari has an MAT degree from Johns Hopkins University. She has taught for over 50 years. She has worked with all age groups from elementary school to university to continuing adult education teaching foreign languages, art, Tai Chi for Kids© and Qigong. She developed her kids program over several years seeing what worked in her own classes. Cari has been working with the NYC public schools for over 20 years. She has also trained teachers through zoom in many states and countries around the world.
Tai Chi for Kids© speaks to everyone. It is non-competitive, and a chance to be in touch with ourselves, our feelings. Cari will give us a Tai Chi for Kids© break to help us focus, relax, and have fun. It is such fun to be an elephant, a dragon or even a sleeping lion.
Williams Spear is a recognized expert on Feng Shui and has authored several works on the topic, notably the book "Feng Shui Made Easy." This book is intended to help readers understand and apply the principles of Feng Shui in their lives to create balance and harmony in their environments. Spear approaches Feng Shui as an intuitive and holistic practice, emphasizing its benefits for personal and environmental well-being.
Get out your mind and into your body with integrative Health and Healing expert, William Spear. Spear will lead a set of somatic experiences, integrating stretching, genlte movement, and focused breathing exercises, Spear is an internatinoal lecturer, consultant, mentor, and writer on complementary healing arts, self-development, end-oflife care, vital design, Eastern philosophy, and leader of trauma relief teams following natural disasters to help children.
His work blends traditional Feng Shui practices with modern life, aiming to make these ancient techniques accessible and relevant for contemporary audiences. If you're interested in detailed teachings or specific aspects of Feng Shui according to Williams Spear, his books and lectures would be valuable resources.
Jim Kwik, his real name, is a widely recognized world expert in brain performance, mental fitness and memory improvement. He has transformed the lives of clients ranging from top-tier corporations like Google, Virgin, and Nike to academic institutions such as Caltech and Harvard. Notably, he has also provided training to high-profile organizations like the Cleveland Clinic and the U.S. Airforce. Jim’s innovative techniques and passion for teaching stem from overcoming his own learning challenges, driving his mission: 'No brain left behind.' He excels in leveraging cutting-edge neuroscience and peak performance strategies to enhance productivity and improve personal and professional outcomes for individuals and teams worldwide.
Featured artists this year include:
BrainMind Summits always include a hands-on Experiential NeuroLab with exciting inventions, technology demonstrations, and artistic exhibits. Past experiences include mind-controlled visual media, AR and VR-based technologies, real human brains, 10-100x expanded brain segments, neuroscience-driven perceptual illusions, immersive education experiences, and more.
New research indicates that diet plays a significant role in brain function, impacting everything from memory to risk for brain diseases. We put these exciting findings into practice at our gatherings. You won’t find junky conference fare at our forum. Meals and snacks served at BrainMind feature foods and ingredients with published findings for brain health benefit. Learn more about our approach here.
Dates: Sunday - Monday, June 2nd - 3rd, 2024
Time: Forum: 8:00AM - 6:00 PM both days, Feast of Ideas at 6:00PM on June 2nd
Location: Confidential - see your confirmation email and calendar invite
Hotels: See our recommended hotels here