Experiential NeuroLab

 MIT Media Lab Synthetic Neurobiology Group: Expanded Brains

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By developing new tools to visualize exquisitely small cellular structures and elusive processes, we can better understanding how the brain works. Ed Boyden’s team is exhibiting expanded and unexpanded animal brains, using LED lights to visualize the physically expanded specimen.

Wilson Lab: Consolidating Memories During Sleep

Learn about the role of sleep in the consolidation of memories in humans, birds, and rats. Check out an automated operant auditory training cage used to train rats and see examples of electrophsyiology and imaging equipment we use in sleep research.

Herr Lab: Neuromuscular Control of a Prosthesis using agonist-antagonist myoneural (AMI) interface

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A transtibial AMI user will control an externally mounted transfemoral prosthesis to demonstrate independent knee mirroring and ankle AMI control.

Tsai Lab: Gamma Sensory Stimulation for the Treatment of Alzheimer’s

A decrease in power and synchrony of gamma wave frequency activity has been observed in Alzheimer’s patients. We attempted to restore gamma activity in mouse models with 40 Hz auditory and visual stimulation, which led to drastic biological benefits and a decrease in cognitive dysfunction. Learn how our team is currently working on translating this therapy into human populations.

Sensory-induced Gamma Entrainment for Neuroprotection

Promoting gamma oscillations via a sensory stimulation tuned to 40 Hz attenuates amyloid load, reduces tau phosphorylation, and improves cognition in mouse models of Alzheimer’s Disease (Iaccarino et al., Nature, 2016, Martorell et al., Cell, 2019, Adaikkan et al., Neuron, 2019). Results from our experiments will shed mechanistic insight into the surprising relationship between neural synchrony and endogenous solute clearance, enabling the exciting possibility of harnessing gamma entrainment as a therapeutic intervention in Alzheimer’s Disease and potentially other neurological disorders.

Non-invasive Control of Cortical Activity Using DeepNeural Networks


We present a method for controlling the neural activity patterns in the primate visual cortex using deep artificial neural networks. Our approach is to control the neural responses at single-neuron resolution in area V4 in macaque monkeys. This is a potentially powerful tool that could lead to a new class of therapeutic applications.

InteraXon - MUSE Meditation Device

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Muse, the world’s most popular neurotech platform, uses robust, low-cost EEG to enable brain health and research applications at unprecedented scale. From portable brain measurement to feedback and training applications, to meditation, Muse empowers individuals, clinicians, and researchers toward a future of pervasive, accessible neuroadaptive technology.

Marigold Health

Marigold Health uses natural language processing (NLP) to personalize and scale mental health care for underserved populations. Marigold’s Chief Data Scientist, Satya Prateek, will demo this novel technology and explain its benefits and challenges.

HUMM - Memory-Enhancing Wearable Patch

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HUMM has built a wearable patch that comfortably and safely stimulates theta rhythms in the prefrontal cortex, improving working memory by 20% against a placebo in randomized controlled trials. The startup is conducting closed beta testing of its device.

Neuroelectrics - Check your Brain Waves

Learn how brain stim can help your brain Health. Participants will be able to see their brain signals using EEG dry electrodes and understand how stimulation may help then in different brain diseases.

Cignition - Optimizing Conceptual Understanding in Mathematics

Cignition’s platform was built to prepare students for a lifetime of mathematics learning by focusing on deep conceptual understanding of 3rd – 8th grade mathematical foundations. It was created in collaboration with a team of neuroscientists, learning scientists, teachers, and game designers. The platform consists of detailed student data, a virtu- al world environment, and microtutoring. We will demonstrate the student experience, and show examples of the underlying scientific and design principles.

Evoke Neuroscience

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Evoke’s eVox system detects early stage biomarkers that aid differential diagnosis of dementia from other brain disorders. Evoke is now developing ClarityAI to dramatically improve the accuracy and speed of early diagnosis to improve short and long-term outcomes in dementia patients.

OpenBCI and the Future of Low-cost BCI

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OpenBCI will be demoing the world’s most widely adopted open source BCI hardware and software and also sharing plans for the future of XR integration.


Fast, objective results: get EYE-SYNC’s ocularmotor and oculo-vestibular assessments in less than 60 seconds. See how your measurements compare to people similar to your demographic and elite athletes, and learn how to improve.


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Intheon is powering transformative applications that connect to your mind and body. Explore interactive demonstrations of brain-computer interface technology, real-time brain mapping, and more with Intheon’s neurotechnology platform