BrainMind Summit:

Mind Science

March, 21-23, 2025 hosted at UCSF

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 As we traverse the digital age, our bond with technology continues to intensify, reshaping the landscape of our neural pathways and deepening our collective dopamine addiction. It's a symbiotic relationship that challenges our mental resilience and calls for a deeper understanding.

On March 21st-22nd, we will learn how to counterbalance this narrative by harnessing the power of mind-training, mindfulness, mind-body practices, meditation, and more. Together with experts in the neural correlates of concentration, flow states, meditative states, mind wandering, and creativity, we will discuss how to nurture a balanced mind amidst the pulsing energy of the digital world. We will be combining the best of 5,000 years on mind training tradition with the cutting edge of modern neuroscience research and technologies.

This two day Summit on mind-training in the digital age will convene world-renowned scientists and technologists who will navigate previously uncharted territories of mind training, dissect the dopamine dilemma, and offer innovative strategies for harmonizing our technological interactions.

Unlock a state of cognitive equilibrium where technology serves us, not the other way around. Join us to empower yourself, your family, your community, and society with the best that science has to offer to face an increasingly dopamine-driven world.


Previous speakers on mind training include:

This event is restricted to BrainMind Ecosystem members. Application for Summit required.

BrainMind is a best-in-class community with a shared mission to advance neuroscience innovation that will most benefit humanity. Ecosystem members have each been personally nominated for their brilliance, effectiveness, sincerity, and intent. Each of you has the experience, talent, and resources to have a direct impact on the science presented.


Sample Agenda


Mind Training DAY 2

8:00 AM Breakfast, Experiential NeuroLab Opens

9:00 AM Welcome and Musical Performance

9:20 AM Plenary Session

12:45 PM Lunch with Speakers

2:00 PM Music and the Mind

2:15 PM Guided Music Meditation

2:30 PM Afternoon Sessions

4:00 PM Fireside Chat

5:00 PM Closing Reception

6:00 PM Close



Mind Training DAY 1

8:00 AM Breakfast & Registration, Experiential NeuroLab Opens

9:00 AM Welcome and Musical Performance

9:20 AM Plenary Session

12:45 PM Lunch with Speakers

1:45 PM Entrepreneur Spotlight

3:00 PM Breakout Discussion Tables (Concurrent Sessions)

4:15 PM Immersive music experience

5:00 PM Closing Remarks

5:15 PM Reception

6:00 PM Close


7:00 PM Unconference-style Dinners (Guests sign up for these in the afternoon)

Past Mind Training Gathering Memories

BrainMind Highlights