Free 24/7 crisis counseling by phone or text for those experiencing emotional distress related to natural or human-caused disasters - including COVID-19.

Free 24/7 crisis counseling by phone or text for those experiencing emotional distress related to natural or human-caused disasters - including COVID-19.

Free text-based counseling with a real-life volunteer trained to bring relieve stress through active listening and collaborative problem solving.

Free text-based counseling with a real-life volunteer trained to bring relieve stress through active listening and collaborative problem solving.

Fantastic directory of free counseling hotlines and other affordable mental health resources.

Fantastic directory of free counseling hotlines and other affordable mental health resources.

Another free text-counseling resource for crisis situations. Live online network that uses instant messaging to respond to people in crisis.

Another free text-counseling resource for crisis situations. Live online network that uses instant messaging to respond to people in crisis.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

Free emotional support phone line for anyone feeling anxious about the coronavirus. It’s available to anyone, 24/7 & will connect you with a counselor who is standing by to help.

Free emotional support phone line for anyone feeling anxious about the coronavirus. It’s available to anyone, 24/7 & will connect you with a counselor who is standing by to help.