Call Type: Exhibitions
Eligibility: USA
Location: UCSF Mission Bay, San Francisco, CA
Event Dates: 10/21-22/2023
BrainMind is a nonprofit scientific organization hosting a private conference at UCSF focused on topics in neuroscience and the philosophy of mind. We are inviting artists to enter work that is any interpretation of the theme: AI + BRAIN, BRAIN-COMPUTER INTERFACES, and MIND TRAINING. BrainMind is interested in the artist's exploration of perception, mind-body connection, and the connection between phenomena and substrate. We will be showcasing the work of one or two tech-forward artists at this private meeting of prominent scientists, investors, and philanthropists. Artists’ works will be featured along with pre-commercial neurotechnologies and other academic neuroscience projects. All mediums are welcome, but we are especially interested in works that utilize technology such as augmented reality, virtual reality, 3D/data visualization, and wearables.
Awards: Two tickets to the event - valued at $3700
Please send submissions to
Ginny Ruffner previewed Reforestation of the Imagination, which later debuted at the Renwick Gallery of the Smithsonian American Art Museum.
David Bolinsky’s animations of molecular machinery in neurons and somatic cells will be featured in video format as well as in print.
Grace Ng’s EED-enabled interactive media installation was featured in the Experiential BrainMind.
Andrew Paul Leonard exhibited a selection of his microscopic photography of neurons and glial cells.
This award-winning interactive installation allowed participants to control a digitally simulated ocean using only their brainwaves.